
CalfPRO® - The World’s First Leveraged Calf Stretching Tool

Created by David Barouche

The First Leveraged Calf Stretching Tool

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Thu Mar 18 '21 Announcement
about 3 years ago – Thu, Mar 18, 2021 at 07:37:36 PM

Dear Amazing CalfPRO® Backers, ✨

As you know from last update, a member of this amazing CalfPRO® backer community, suggested that we do a value-added update by providing pain relieving activities that can be performed whilst waiting for your CalfPRO®.

Last update video, I showed you a tension release, trigger point technique for your medial shin (tibialis posterior and medial gastrocnemius) this tension release technique will be used in conjunction with your foam roller and CalfPRO® to maximize your range of motion. Remembering that tension can often block range of motion and once you get to a certain tension threshold, muscles will become stubborn and will simply not stretch. This is the very reason I provided a foam roller and mat in your backerkit survey so that you can play an active role in reducing tension and facilitating a deeper stretch on your CalfPRO®.

For those of you have who have not completed your Backerkit shipping address survey, here is your link:

In this update we will discuss lower limb alignment as one of the 3 contributors to lower limb (foot, ankle, knee, hip) injuries. In addition, I have received a number of requests for information on hamstring stretching and care.

Interestingly, the 2 medial hamstrings (Semimembranosus and Semitendinosus) contribute to medial rotation (turning in) of the foot, knee and hip when chronically tight and shortened… So whilst discussing lower limb alignment we can tie in hamstring stretching, very nicely.

In total, I have 12 stretches for body maintenance and injury prevention. CalfPRO® makes stretch number 1 easy, the hamstring stretch in this video is stretch number 2. So we are progressing nicely through maintaining your whole body with our value add updates.

The following video discusses the most common factor of lower limb alignment (medial rotation/ pronation) that contributes to the majority of injuries I see in my office, as well as a demonstration of stretch number 2 (Hamstrings), which logically comes after stretch number 1 (Calf) which is performed on your CalfPRO®, video link below:

*Quick disclaimer* The entire CalfPRO mission is to help as many people as I can outside of my office with pain, that being said any information or ideas I provide in his update should be used at your own discretion and if you’re uncertain, please seek your doctors advice before trying any or all of the techniques provided here in.

Quick Summary:

** Don't touch the area of pain in syndromes like Plantar Fasciitis, Achilles Tendonitis etc...**

Pathologies of the lower extremity are often caused by the combination of 3 overlapping factors:

1) Lower Limb Alignment (Shoes, orthotics, hip external rotation stretching)

2) Tension (Foam rolling technique in the video above)

3) Range of Motion ((1)dorsiflexion, unlocked with your CalfPRO® and adding (2) knee extension and hip external rotation)

Thank you again for your ongoing support and patience...The whole point of the CalfPRO® journey is to help as many people as possible to treat pathologies of the foot and ankle at home. I hope this second short video update will further assist our special CalfPRO® community to become even more independent with managing and maintaining a pain free life.

If you liked the treatment discussed in this update and would like more self treatment ideas, please comment and I will make a future update to try to help in any way I can.

Wishing you health, happiness and safety,


Mon Feb 22 '21 Announcement
about 3 years ago – Mon, Feb 22, 2021 at 03:54:48 PM

Dear Amazing CalfPRO® Backers, ✨
While you’re waiting patiently through this epic shipping container shortage and Chinese new year break, which started late January and doesn’t finish till 1st of March! (And yes, the next shipping container is booked for April. I know, it sucks.)
It has been brought to my attention that we could be using this time much more constructively. A member of this amazing CalfPRO® backer community, Michael S suggested that we do a value-added update by providing pain relieving activities that can be performed whilst waiting for your CalfPRO®. What a great idea! I feel terrible that the series of events before Chinese new year delayed our shipping date so dramatically. So now, this is a great time to give back and help you in any way I can!
So this is what we will do first. I want to address the primary causes of foot and ankle pain. I know a lot of you are probably suffering from Plantar Fasciitis, but Achilles Tendinitis, midfoot, toe and shin splint pain can also be temporarily relieved by the simple treatment idea I will show you in this update.
*Quick disclaimer* The entire CalfPRO mission is to help as many people as I can outside of my office with pain, that being said any information or ideas I provide in his update should be used at your own discretion and if you’re uncertain, please seek your doctors advice before trying any or all of the techniques provided here in.
?don’t touch the bit that hurts.
The place that hurts with movement, whether it be your the bottom of your heel, inside of your ankle or the bones of your feet are not the places that needs to be treated.
All too often there will be Google treatments that focus around massaging, ice rolling, Thera-gunning or Graston frictioning the place that hurts. Please don’t do that! The place that hurts with movement or walking is the victim. It is inflamed, it is sore, it is overworked, it does not need to be touched. It needs to be supported, compressed and unloaded so that it can heal.
In contrast we need to put our energy into the main antagonist.
✅ The calf complex.
“But my calf isn’t the problem.” I've heard people say, or “But my calf doesn’t hurt?” You might say feeling unconvinced. Well let me explain; Your calf doesn’t need to hurt or feel tight to be the problem, in 80% of cases people with tight pathological calves had no idea their calf was the problem.
So what do we do? The calf is often extremely stubborn when it comes to stretching so we need the CalfPRO®, of course, but in anticipation of its arrival, it is almost equally important to PREPARE the calf for stretching. This is why I encourage you to use a foam roller with your CalfPRO® and provided one in the Backerkit survey. But even before you get your foam roller you can try the soft tissue technique in the video below:
Quick Summary:
** Don't touch the area of pain in syndromes like Plantar Fasciitis, Achilles Tendonitis etc...
Pathologies of the lower extremity are often caused by the combination of 3 overlapping factors:
1) Lower Limb Alignment (Shoes, orthotics, hip external rotation stretching)
2) Tension (Foam rolling or the technique in the video above)
3) Range of Motion (dorsiflexion, unlocked with your CalfPRO®)
Thank you again for your ongoing support and patience...The whole point of the CalfPRO® journey is to help as many people as possible to treat pathologies of the foot and ankle at home. I hope this short video update will further assist this special CalfPRO® community to become even more independent with managing and maintaining a pain free life.
If you liked the treatment discussed in this update and would like more self treatment ideas, please comment and I will make a future update to try to help in any way I can.
Wishing you health, happiness and safety,
If you have lost your BackerKit survey link here it is again:

Sun Jan 24 '21 Announcement
over 3 years ago – Sun, Jan 24, 2021 at 10:54:43 AM

Dear Amazing CalfPRO® Backers, 


I am starting to receive a significant number of messages from you saying that you have not received your Backerkit shipping survey.

We are currently at 76% completion on Backerkit. They have suggested that some of you may need to check your junk mail because your inbox doesn’t recognize the incoming Backerkit email address.



Lost your survey?

We’ll send a survey link to the email address you used to pledge for this campaign.


Please give these two options a try so that we can get closer to 100% of all shipping addresses locked in ✅

Thank you for helping out at your end!




I continue to be deeply touched by how encouraging, thoughtful and kind your personal messages have been since the last update. You are a special group of smart, like-minded individuals and I am both honored and excited to provide you with my unique self maintenance invention. Thank you for your ongoing patience and understanding!

Fri Jan 22 '21 Announcement
over 3 years ago – Fri, Jan 22, 2021 at 02:29:44 PM

Dear Amazing CalfPRO® Backers, ✨

This has been a really tough month for CalfPRO®. I have been fighting with suppliers and shipping companies since December. We have hit a major delay that could not have been foreseen.

The factory had all tooling, materials, foam inserts and CalfPRO® pieces ready to go.. however the printed boxes arrived just a few centimeters too small due to an increase in box thickness. In other words the boxes were made thicker to protect your CalfPRO® during shipping but now they don’t quite fit in the box without busting out the sides.

This set back is devastating, because now the units cannot be boxed and the factory is closing down for Chinese New Year.

The boxes have already been reordered, which of course triggered another expense, but they will not arrive before the factory closure.

This has triggered a cascade of events. Because the units were not ready on time the shipping container that was booked could not be used and now there is a global shipping container shortage. (Google it, it's crazy... and the cost of containers has quadrupled)

If you have been following my production update journey you will know just how many hurdles we have already overcome. These are just more fallen trees on the path to the finish line. With patience and perseverance we will get there. I am especially aware that many of you are struggling daily with Plantar Fasciitis pain and other calf and foot related syndromes. I feel terrible that the solution is so close, yet so far away as I write this update for you.

Despite the hardships you are all facing, I am continually moved by your messages of positivity, support and your on going patience. Thank you!

In the meantime, a significant percentage of you have not yet completed your BackerKit shipping survey.

This survey tells us where to send your CalfPRO®. If you have not yet responded, please check your inbox and respond with your shipping address as soon as you are able. You will see that I have provided foam rollers and mats for you to add on to your order. I have specifically chosen these pieces of equipment because they are just the right texture and firmness to get the best possible complete treatment in conjunction with your CalfPRO® stretching at home. These items are not available anywhere else as I have sourced them specifically for my CalfPRO® backers. If you would like more information on these items I will post an update with detailed specifications shortly. For more information on how to use these items please refer to my "How to Use Your CalfPRO®" video in Production Update #10.

Thank you again for your ongoing support and patience... The journey has taken longer than expected, but as I hope you can see, I will stop at nothing to make sure you receive the world's first leveraged calf stretching tool.

I hope you are all staying safe and healthy.


This project began in early 2018.. It's been a long road but we are almost there!

Sun Jan 10 '21 Announcement
over 3 years ago – Sun, Jan 10, 2021 at 08:54:25 AM

Dear Amazing CalfPRO® Backers, ✨

The boxed sample has arrived and as promised I have made a video to show you the best way to use your CalfPRO® at home, including a self treatment to get an even deeper stretch!

 project video thumbnail

You will be receiving your surveys through Backerkit soon...   

**Please remember the survey is where you provide your shipping address**    

I will also be sending factory production pics in the next update!

Thank you again for your ongoing support and patience... The journey has taken longer than expected, but as I hope you can see, I will stop at nothing to make sure you receive the world's first leveraged calf stretching tool.

I hope you are all staying safe and healthy.
